
Selamat Pagi Malaysia Interview: Co-Living As An Initiative To Help Youngsters

On 25 December 2022, Amanda Chong, Chief Operations Officer of Wetopia, shared the co-living company’s initiative to help youngsters start their life in the city in an exclusive interview with RTM’s Selamat Pagi Malaysia show. 

Co-living enables fresh graduates or students to rent a room in a premier residence that offers quality facilities and 24-hour security at affordable rates. The zero deposit option and strategic location of the residences, which are primarily accessible via public transport, allow these young residents to save their money or use it for other essential matters. 

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For Amanda, the main objective is to curb loneliness. “Most mental health issues, such as depression, can be caused by loneliness. We in Wetopia, for example, are working our best to provide community events such as sports activities, movie sessions and even charity work that allow the tenants to connect.” Besides that, Wetopia also offers a 24-hour helpline with community managers ready to assist with any issues related to their rooms.

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